With XtrixTV IPTV you can spend quality adult time. However the adult channels are locked by default to protect Family values. All you have to do is enter the secret code to unlock the channels. This tutorial will show you how you can do it.
You can permanently unlock adult channels, which are hidden by default.
Illustrated steps:
XtrixTV, please follow these steps. STB/PAD Version:
1. Click Settings,
2. Then go to Misc Settings and scroll down to A Switch,
3. And touch or tap the OK button on the remote. Input secret code “4113”
Very good. Now you've unlocked the Adult channel.
In the Live TV Menu Scroll all the way down to XXX (Adults Channels)
Now select any Adult Channels and enter.
This is when the screen pops up and asks you to enter your password, you just need to enter the secret code "4113" again.
Once you do it you are in the Channel viewing it.
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A:Login, MY ACCOUNT-My Orders-View Order-SKU/IPTV CODE Or Check mail/spam box, code is also sent automatically. Or contact us by email.
A: Pls fill in the correct code. Or check whether install correct apk, there are two version: Normal (Blue)&Plus (Red).
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